This may be a big deal only to me. In the City most apartment units don’t have personal washers and dryers. If you live in a loft, you may have a combination on your floor that services 5 or 6 residential lofts. If you live in a proper apartment building with a doorman and lobby, you most likely will find your washing and drying facilities hidden away in the basement. These conveniences are your basic laundromat machines, for which you will need a stack of quarters. The M&M candy tube is a great container in which to store $10 worth of quarters. But if your apartment building has none of the above, then you take your laundry to the local wash-and-dry. And I emphasize local; practically every block in the village and certainly around every corner elsewhere. Some cleaners have a wash and dry capability, but mostly laundromats are a stand-alone sort of place. You can do your wash yourself, or leave it for them to do. The charge is per pound and like a coffee shop, there are add-ons. If you want your jeans hand dried, or your shirts hung on hangers – not just properly folded – there is an extra charge. But the service I appreciate is the washing and drying of feather bedding and pillows. If you have ever tried to wash and dry a feather pillow then you know what a time consuming job it is. Here you leave it and 24 hours later you pick it up, for a minimal charge, and it is fluffed, bone dry and smelling like spring. One of life’s little joys.