On a Sunday morning when the subway riders are few and mostly male, and these males are mostly dressed in somber colors and when in my car one begins to pray and another is chant, I begin to wonder if I’m are perhaps in the wrong place at the wrong time. As someone told me, …
Monthly Archives: January 2012
Washington Metro
Based upon my extensive NYC subway experience, of course I was ripe to compare my opinions to the Washington Metro. Apparently often, in DC, an escalator is not operative. When it’s stairs – as in New York – I’m facing with a suitcase, I know it’s stairs and I lug upwards to a stair-induced-rhythm. But …
Cheaper Seats
The Acela Express Train zoomed into the station on the track across the platform from where the Northeast Regional was waiting. Looking across the to the windows it appeared as if all the chic folks were reading their electronic books, while not moving their perfectly coiffed head and before I could register more about them, …
More Washington
He was standing in the Metro car with earphones in both ears, listening intently to whatever was playing on his device and all of a sudden, he sneezes. Standing next to him is a late- teen boy who upon experiencing the sneeze looks up and says ‘bless you’. The older man with the plugged ears …
The Right Thing
I firmly believe as consumers we should support businesses that ‘do the right thing’. Working at a homeless shelter I came upon boxes of fresh sandwiches made by a company named PRET. I was curious that so much of the food looked like it was freshly made. Next time I needed to pick up a …
These adverts are on the walls in Penn Station, to amuse while waiting for the train. ‘Cute guy on the subway was checking out the map behind you.'[if you happen to sit in front of the subway map… then when someone across the aisle tries to read it, it is as if they are intently …
Sitting Pretty
Broadway above Columbus Circle is a divided street with traffic flowing north and south on either side of the median strip. You can cross the street in two takes: start toward the west from the east side of the street – would be a boulevard in another language – and in the middle of the …
Fun and Free
Went with a friend last night to the second floor of the Hilton Hotel on 6th Avenue where every 20 minutes another music or dance performance was taking place. The venue was the APAP [Association of Performing Arts Presenters] Showcase 2012. What a wonder! Of course we saw the Dana Leong Trio: electric cello, guitar, …
Fire Escapes
As you walk around the City, especially away from Mid-town look up and see the Fire Escapes on many of the buildings. It was a guest from Europe who suggested the buildings would be more attractive without this lattice work distorting the front architecture. Although fire insurance apparently originated in the city of Philadelphia, followed …
Chance Meeting
I stared at the ends of his shawl, the tassels were woven with beautiful threads. It was hanging below his jacket, just about eye level to me where I sat on the subway. The car was crowded, so he was rather close, hanging onto the rail above. My fascination with the textile quality of this …