Imagine This

It’s Sunday 9 am and I hail a cab. I step in and he says something after we exchange ‘good morning’. I don’t understand and ask him to repeat it. On three tries I am hearing something about ‘1st’. Concerned that he has mixed up my directions to go to 4th, I ask him to please repeat it one more time. Then I hear it, ‘It’s his first day of cab driving!’ And the second sentence is ‘will I show him how to get to where I want to go’. By the time we arrive at 4th, I felt the first thing he should do is pay me for the instructional time. Ooh and I was so thankful that, a. there was light traffic, b. that after waiting through the green light he finally turned right just as the light was changing to red, not already red. c. that the destination was not so very far because during all of this the meter was running.  So would you have tipped?

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