The Invitation from an artist friend read as follows:
‘The Analytical Psychology Club of New York presents Collage-a tool to visualize your innerself [sic]. Collage is an art form that involves combining images, drawings, words and other materials into an esthetic whole by glueing them together on a surface. The term collage comes from the French coller, ‘ to glue’…. Because the artist’s choice of imagery and materials is very personal it can offer insights into thoughts and associations that are often hidden in our subconscious.’
[The Analytical Psychology Club of New York, formed in 1936 the purpose being to provide a gathering place for self discovery, the key to Jungian therapy. Membership can be yours if you have completed 50 hours of Jungian-oriented therapy and have been recommended by a qualified therapist. Most Club programs and events however are open to the public. from their webpage]
So I signed on for the Saturday, Collage workshop from 10-4 guided by my artist friend.
Today I received the following email from her:
‘Hello again,
For those of you who were interested in the collage workshop, I just learned that the Saturday program is going to be deferred because of some internecine issues at the Psychologists’ Club. I don’t know the whole back story, just that there is one. Hopefully the workshop will occur some time in the future.’
Now is that priceless or What!