Before you rush out to the cinema to watch Tom Hanks play a sea captain captured by Somali pirates, rent [by some means or another] the film “Stolen Seas”. [Find it on itunes among others]. This documentary gives a wondrously big picture on the entire situation. Thoughtful and far better than a made up story. …
Monthly Archives: November 2013
Just Do It.
This City is really just a village. In the event you only get the address and not the video…trust me on this one, copy and paste.
After Midnight
The super men and women, the devils, vampires, princesses, witches, japanese king and queen, elves, zombies and what-not were all over the subway cars after midnight. The costumes were outrages and fun. But the most authentic? Well, the two guys who boarded at 42nd, and stood for the ride, why they looked exactly like two …