1. Washed the windows for spring. This is such a big deal to me. And the result is so spectacular I have to report it. 2. Lost something in this space. How is it possible, to misplace a pair of leggings when I live here alone, my wash does not leave because I have a …
Monthly Archives: March 2014
Wrong Mom
Returned to NYC only 24 hours and was out and about. Passed a woman with an eight year old daughter, and on a leash, a lab dog. Dog was demanding more from the mother than the child. Mother and I shared the same hair color and black clothes. As I passed the trio on the …
More 3-D Food Adverts
What a discovery. My hair loves the mist and the atmosphere of the PNW vs the dry cold of NYC. Who knew.
Jury Duty
Waiting outside the gathering room for all the persons called to report for jury duty. Rather than looking like a gathering of my peers, it looks like a post modern Ellis Island, with the same sentiments, Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free; The wretched refuse of your teeming …
Yesterday’s News
Robins, warm weather, idles of Spring. Gone! Today was a rip roaring 19 degrees as I left home to report for jury duty. I think if I didn’t have windows that look out on the street, I would mis-clothe myself for the weather. When in the early morning I see the dog walkers hunkered down …
Sign of Spring
At first, I only heard him, and then I saw him. The herald of Spring
Life Lessons
Some truths are universal and it doesn’t matter where you live. “The fragrance always remains in the hand that gives the rose” – from a tj card by Shawn Byles. I packed to there and back again a ‘color stick’ gifted me by Hilary and every day as I use it – thoughts of her. The …
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Back in Town
For the second time, I have auditioned and been cast in a Web series. The first one, was just prior to Portland, and I never heard from them again. Now, just returned, auditioned for another one, and was cast…will keep you posted!