Went with a young friend for her appointment at the Dermatologist and while waiting picked up this advert. To post it here, I added my hand as an example, but as it looked akin to an eagle’s foot, I decided to preserve some sense of dignity, especially after the last posting, and deleted it. This is Radiesse a dermal filler injected into the back of the hand. The industry has finally figured out a way for the ‘facelifted’ to be less embarrassed when putting hand-to-face. Should you consider this procedure, here are a few of the “important safety” factors: “if Radiesse is injected into a blood vessel, serious complications can result….stroke, vision abnormalities, blindness, swelling, lumps, bumps….”. Wow! and for whom are they doing this? I of course, would be doing it for me, so NOT. But I did read it, none the less, cover to cover.