The Local Newspaper

began an article” the last 5 days have been full of exciting new challenges and beautiful views”.  i thought it was about me, until i read further and it is a local climber – sort of –  describing his ascent of Everest.  So back to my life:

After the car repair, as I was more than half way to the Big-local city, decided to go.   Wanted to see if TJ Maxx had boxes of drawer liners. I have had two boxes for 8 years, two moves, and having just used them up, need more. One of those hit-or-miss items.  Had asked another female customer who popped in, did have an appointment, and was expected, if there was such a store, further north.   She said there was.  Drive there, park half way across the lot and inside find one box. I was as surprised as the clerk I asked, if they had more. This one I found in a random section of the store. No, she said, that was the only one, but she too had expected they would get more. It was a mother’s day-sort-of-item but alas, they had only received that one box. So I bought it, and two rolls of reversible wrapping paper. Figured that would work. [It did. – it’s heavier than normal wrapping paper and the back side is a check].  Box purchased and walked the half mile back to my car – it did take me a while to find it.   As I was driving away from the mega shopping mall,  I saw a big box store that I knew would have plants. Plants! Garden! Dirt under the nails! Unplanned,  I headed straight for it. In the eight years since I last gardened,  the cost of the materials has increased. I was astounded at the price for 4 inch pot of geraniums. But sticker shock aside, it was like being in heaven. However, immediately I desperately missed Bob. my dearest friend and gardener.  Bob, who knew definitively what went with what and what was new, what was tried and true and what would bring years of delight and and.  But Bob is no longer and it made me sad.   Sad that it was three moves ago, we had last gardened,.  But oh what he taught me.   What I have learned, gathered, witnessed from his bountiful knowledge and love of plants. My thoughts were lost in his world while I loaded my cart. I had a double window box to fill, a couple of planters and could not resist the citronella geranium.

The prices kept me from letting it get out of hand.   I was now an hour from home….

50 minutes later, as I am driving onto the short lane to the house, I see the porch light. The porch light is on. On means I have electricity. It is Wednesday afternoon and I have power. I unload the car, plant the window box, and come inside. One learns to appreciate the small tokens of greatness in life, quickly. Electric means I can run the vacuum, make a cup of something warm, turn on the refrigerator, bake bread, have water flowing in the pipes because the electric pump is working. I finish lining the draws for which I bought the paper, finish the other small jobs and vacuum. As the evening comes I call it a day, and decide to stay downstairs. That was a restless night. All night the air in the water pipes swished and gurgled to their heart’s content.  I fell asleep to the sounds of the sea