Well, I Thought It was Clever

…After the company departed,  I looked in the refrigerator at the three-quarters of the left-over watermelon.  I’m really not such a watermelon fan, although every time I have one in my house, it reminds me of a long-ago-sister-in-law.  She, in my recollection, loved the fruit and when she had them [I was just a small child], they were always sugar sweet and I ate it, with the juice running from my wrist to drip off the crazy bone of my elbow.  But now, as I too was leaving, I didn’t want to throw it away, nor just leave it to spoil.  So, I cut it up and liquified it in the food processor.  Drank a small glassful, but what to do with the rest.  Found and filled the flex-rubber ice-cube trays.  If they don’t taste like the freezer, they could be fun in tonic water, or wine, or vodka or…  Will let you know.