
One of the reasons for the move out of the City, is to give back to the community in which I am living.  There is an independent thrift store in town.  Two weeks ago when I dropped something off at the back door, they asked if I had come to help.  Asking if they needed help, they said yes, please.  I said i would come to help in two weeks.  This morning it was two weeks and I showed up, as asked, at 8:30 am.  No one was there.  When the head honcho arrived, she was shocked to see me.  The reason being is that so many apparently say they will come, but then never do.  She showed me the ropes in all of 3 minutes and I began sorting the stuff that comes in as donations.  !0 o’clock the doors open for buyers, but first someone lead the merry band of workers in prayer.  It was a long prayer, covering lots of topics.  One of the topics was the president of the country and I quote ‘We know God you put him there.  Help him in all the many things he has to get done”.  There was more.  The list sounded pretty much like a run down from a Pennsylvania Trump rally.  I kept my head bowed noting this too shall pass.  The women who do the volunteering are protestant church attendees.  There was a plethora of ‘God Bless’ and pat phrases with which I was indeed familiar.  I enjoyed helping and will return on a weekly basis.