Didn’t know what to use for a title: nuts, brash, one-for-the-books. The standard wisdom that I know is; when moving to a new environment, seek out your tribe- those that are ‘like’. When I began this solo-journey, I gathered with the tribe at the local religious center – otherwise known as a church. That garnered …
Monthly Archives: March 2019
So Many Kinds of Milk
Start with milk, full, half full, skim, then add, chocolate in all three degrees. Follow this with Organic milk in three types as well. Don’t forget Butter milk. Oh yes, goat’s milk, that too. But that’s not all. There is Jersey Cow Milk. This milk is only in full and is prized for it’s smooth …
A name. Last week, an unknown-to-me-man said ‘Hoi’ and waved to me as I bicycled past him. I have had more experiences of people appearing to know me. Today, entering a small shop, the shopkeeper said, ‘Hoi Hannah”! All was fine until I spoke and then she said, ‘Oh, sorry, I thought you were Hannah’. …
That was the word, not improving. thought my ‘dutch editor’ would do better, but apparently NOT!
It Took 6 Months
To figure out what curtain to hang in the front downstairs window and find the bread-taste I remember.When I moved in, the house owner, on the fly, asked if I wanted the ‘sheers’ which were in her hand, hung at the front window. She had not used them, I was reeling from all the information …
Dutch Stairs
They could be worse. They could those metal ones. These are wood. Dark of night is a challenge if you check out the bottom two – same darkness. Never will be my favorite.
Trite but True
It all just tastes better. Don’t know why, do believe it is better prepared and there are more restraints in place to keep the harmful additives out. But the tomatoes taste like garden fresh, and the food spoils more quickly. All the foods.
Fresh Haring
In all senses of the word: there is nothing like it. First it is wrapped up like a gift by the fish monger. Then at home, you lay it out, cover it in finely chopped onions. which are inside the gift wrap. Then you eat it. Right up there with raw oysters.
Takes the Breath Away
What a Difference an “A” makes…
My new-found friend, SMS’d -texted- to say her daughter was running a fever and we would have to reschedule our coffee date. The polite reply is to ‘say’ is ‘beterschap’ which means ‘get well’. But I wrote beterschaap which means ‘better sheep’. She thought it was funny. I knew I should have taken that extra …