Chaos at the Station

If you have taken the train from any station, you have seen the thousands of bicycles jammed together in what is considered ‘parking’. I have wondered how this is overseen by the powers-that-be. I read in the newspaper that there comes a day of reckoning. The ‘action’ will take place over a week’s time. Bikes that are badly damaged or have been parked in the same spot for an extended period of time will be removed. The ‘action’ of cleaning up is to make stealing bikes less attractive. [Not quite certain what the connection there is], this is how it works. For one week, bikes without owners – called ‘orphan bikes’- will be given a sticker. If your bike gets a sticker placed on it, but it isn’t orphaned, then you are to remove the sticker and the bike will be left alone. [it would seem wise to also move it to another ‘stalling’ or storage rack]. All badly damaged bikes are disposed of, [the article doesn’t explain where or how.] Bikes that are ride-able will be impounded. If your bike is impounded, you can buy it back after identifying it on the town lot. [Rather like having your car impounded due to faulty parking in the City.] The article continues with a list of how to deter thieves.