How to Deter Bike Thieves

This is how you stop someone stealing your bike:

  1. Use two locks. It will take a thief more time to undo two and some thieves are specialized in a particular brand of lock, this will confound them.
  2. Place your bike in the rack and wrap a lock around the rack and the front wheel. This prevents the thief from carrying your bike to a dark corner to work on the lock, it stays in the lighted area.
  3. Note your frame number, the brand, the color; all of this information you will need in order to report a theft. [obviously this is not going to prevent a theft].
  4. Wind the chain around the rack and wheel as many times as is possible. This is better than letting it just lay on the ground. [anyone get this reasoning?]
  5. Rent a storage unit at the Station.–

Wow #5 is rather like saying to the Three Little Pigs, skip the Straw and Twigs houses and go straight to brick! But of course. If we all had 20-20 hindsight up front!