Santana, Jumani* Jonagored, Jonagold, Golden Delicious, Evelina, Elstar, Dijksman’s Zoet, Delbare, Cox O.P., Cox, Boskoop, to name but a few of the apple types available, plus those listed below. Some are for eating raw, ‘in-your-hand’ as they say, some are specifically for making apple cake [apple-taart] and some are for.. have yet to discover. This little chart came in a bag with a couple of kilos of Elstars:
Zoet = Sweet Zuur = sour

*This is my favorite. It tastes like I ‘remember’ an apple tasting….
Junami' The Junami is an apple with a red blush on a pale yellow-green background. Junami has juicy flesh. The variety comes from the research institute F.A.W. in Wädenswil in Switzerland and originated from a cross of (Idared × Maigold) × Elstar. Junami must be picked from the fourth week of September and is available from January to July. In 2008, 3 million kg of apples of this variety were harvested in the Netherlands. Junami is protected by Plant Breeders' Rights and is a club variety.