Ex Wife: Reader R–Wasqueen; Other suggestions: Wifless, Erst-wife; Wifeonce; Wifofyore
Monthly Archives: April 2021
Mark My Words…
“Could never live Upstate”, she said, “The snow can fall in early April. Who can live with that?” She said. The last 48 hours have brought multiple snow storms, hail, more snowfall, more hail and wind. Whateverhappenedto ‘April showers bring May flowers’?
And Y Not?!
Create new words? Reader ‘A’ sent me ‘QUEENAGERS’ which is absolutely divine. I thought I made up the word BLOGFOG but someone else did -11 years ago! I do like UOU in place of you – and Y not, makes sense so plan to use it. You all know WASBEEN for a former male spouse… …
First it was this carton – obviously empty. Now it is this pen
just wondering….
why is ham pink, pork white and bacon brown