Homeless Stats for the City

59,000 people slept in shelters, of which 23,500 were children . Additionally 2800 other people slept on the streets and subways in the winter. Support to the Bowery Mission on Bowery Street provided: 505,000 meals; 97,300 nights of safe shelter; 56,200 articles of clothing.  Additionally 1200 at risk children were given a summer camp experience. …

This Time All Dead – or Expired

Right at Thanksgiving, the sidewalk edges are lined with fresh smelling trees, ready for the buying.  On Thursday, all the trees were again on the sidewalks, but this time in random numbers, lying down and dead.  The annual ‘expired tree pick up happens between 5-16 January.  All non-bagged, non-decorated trees are taken and turned into …

The White Statues in Christoper Park

Christopher Park Gay Liberation History This text is part of Parks’ Historical Signs Project and can be found posted within the park. This sculpture by George Segal (1924–2000) honors the gay rights movement and commemorates the events at the Stonewall Inn opposite this park that gave rise to the movement. Located at 51-53 Christopher Street, …