2 AM Sunday

The snowing has come to an end.  The storm is apparently over.  Because it was a Saturday, the City coped well and the folk enjoyed the holiday from the usual and the freedom to walk in the middle of the non-existent traffic.

Someone Else Made Photos..

..so I can stay inside.  These are descriptive!  Flooding amazes me and I always wanted to live by the water.  As I watch the accumulation, I think what if this were rain! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3413454/Now-come-FLOODS-New-Jersey-warned-rising-tides-make-Jonas-worse-state-emergency-declared-New-York.html

It Must Be a Blizzard-

Found myself doing the wash.  As I was laying out the sheets to dry, it caught my attention that here I was, once again, doing the laundry before the storm.  The underlying motivation is that clean sheets on a cold night are better if the electricity goes out.