Happy Chinese New Year

Wednesday, the eve of New Year’s Day, was in Chinatown and it was bustling!  People buying special cakes and fish and fruits and flowers.  The sun was bright, though the air  was chill and the wind gusted now and then.  But the sunshine added such a festive note to the goings-on.  And it seemed indeed …

Yet a Mystery

You can see the outfit:  green body suit with a pair of outer-skivvies. Couldn’t get a closer picture because as the norm is pay to photograph, this was another !4th Street-Union Square performer I was not certain I wanted to encourage.  What made his act ‘remarkable’ was there was no music, no accompanying sound from …

The Saw

At Union Square Subway station, there is a large common area where the N and 4 5 6 trains and the L are all accessible.  In this area different forms of entertainment showcase.  Many of them are worth watching and donating towards.  But there is one- a middle-aged woman ‘saw’ player who is heard the …

White Stag

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Stag_(clothing) The White Stag company began as an offshoot of the Hirsch-Weis Manufacturing Company of Portland, Oregon, which made durable outdoor clothing and supplies worn by loggers, mill hands, and stockmen.[1] Hirsch-Weis itself was founded when brothers Max S. and Leopold B. Hirsch purchased the Willamette Tent and Awning Company, a manufacturer of sails for deepwater ships, from E. Henry …