
The first time, in the night, I looked out my window and there were stars.  The big dipper was behind the fur tree pictured earlier, and I was wishing it would look like candle flames on the tree branches.  It ended up being only a thought.  And then the stars lasted until the fog rolled …


This was an experience that I haven’t encountered in a looong time.  Driving in fog the density of pea soup.  At night.  I forget what it feels like and how the headlights bounce off the walls of the fog and oncoming cars are distorted by their lights and the middle lines fall away as do …

The Silence

At night, upon my bed:  no sirens, no one talking and walking under my window, no bottles being collected, no trash collection, no free-lance recyclers going through the bags, no beeping horns, no dogs barking, no bright lights.  How do I ever sleep?