It’s Only Fair- Fare

Rain.  Like no tomorrow. The re-enactment of the Noah Episode.  The week I left the city, the Oregonian had a chart of Portland having less rain compared to other cities, ie New York.  Well, right they are.  It has been pouring for two days. As I look out my window at the downpour, the puddles and the wet, I recall the light mist of the Oregon rain.  This stuff is heavy, sodden and thoroughly dampening.  May I remember.

Of course the upside is, there is no walking traffic under my window, there is a dearth of vehicular activity and it feels cozy inside, remember the fireplace.


the reason there have been fewer posts:  out of those auditions mentioned, I am now cast in a one-act play that goes up mid-May, a delicious, short, commercial movie that shoots sometime in the next two weeks, and start rehearsals for a supporting role in a webisode.  This is what living in the City is about.


Wax Poetic

That was the plan, about March coming in like a lion, going out like a lamb, April showers bring May flowers and then tonight, walking home from the theatre, in the snow!  Lucky for me, I was more [boots] or less [no gloves] dressed for it.  Come on now!