Birds of a feather indeed….
Free Standing…

…on the ice. I thought ice formed because the temperature dropped and the water froze, on its own. But no, significant help is lent to the process. The water where these birds-not-of-a-feather, are standing, is the old harbor opposite my front door. The reason ice is forming is not only because of the cold, but because the Harbor Master has closed the locks [sluis]. inhibiting the flow of water; standing water freezes. Yesterday as I biked past different canals, people were skating. No one skates on anything less than hockey or long-blade-Norwegian skates. Decades ago, my first winter here, the water in the canal beside our little house froze. Full of enthusiasm, I laced on my white figure skates and hit the ice running. My third stroke I fell flat out, hitting the ice full force. The blades on figure skates are neither long nor thin enough to deal with the rough-water ice. Now I know.

One Measurement
A Key Idea
In response to “Slam’ posting, reader A had this suggestion.
“I put mine in an empty pill bottle with tight lid. Then glue a rock on top and bury it a pot or yard so rock sits on the surface.” Clever idea indeed.
The City Wall
Really it is not mine to ponder the education levels of readers, as I am grateful to all who take time to ‘tune in’. However, a question was submitted about the use of ‘vestment’ in referencing the city wall on the other side of which is a large, salted, body of water. Below are sources of the word origin and hopefully will put this enquiry to wahi moe.
صديري. વસ્ત્ર
પોશાક વિશિષ્ટ પ્રસંગે કે હોદ્દાની રૂએ પહેરાતો
Storm Day 1-b
This Guardian news article is an excellent rundown of weather here:
Storm – Day 1
Stormy Weather
Or so it is predicted. Many a time wherever I was, have not heeded the weather report. Only two times has that proven to be a mistake, one time rather dire. As I don’t know how accurate the Accu-weather forecast is here I’m willing to heed my caring neighbors who tell me a gale force wind will blow onto land from the huge body of water, just over the city vestments seen out my window. This windstorm is be accompanied by very low temperatures and lots of snow. “Put up some water in buckets” was their top advice. Figuring I might be housebound for more time than expected, I’ve stored my bicycle in another neighbor’s shed. Prior to that, went for survival supplies: 3 more bouquets of tulips and two pots of bulbs; my idea of necessity shopping. Who needs TP, milk or bread? We’ll see what happens.
Them Apples
Santana, Jumani* Jonagored, Jonagold, Golden Delicious, Evelina, Elstar, Dijksman’s Zoet, Delbare, Cox O.P., Cox, Boskoop, to name but a few of the apple types available, plus those listed below. Some are for eating raw, ‘in-your-hand’ as they say, some are specifically for making apple cake [apple-taart] and some are for.. have yet to discover. This little chart came in a bag with a couple of kilos of Elstars:
Zoet = Sweet Zuur = sour

*This is my favorite. It tastes like I ‘remember’ an apple tasting….
Junami' The Junami is an apple with a red blush on a pale yellow-green background. Junami has juicy flesh. The variety comes from the research institute F.A.W. in Wädenswil in Switzerland and originated from a cross of (Idared × Maigold) × Elstar. Junami must be picked from the fourth week of September and is available from January to July. In 2008, 3 million kg of apples of this variety were harvested in the Netherlands. Junami is protected by Plant Breeders' Rights and is a club variety.
Could NOT Resist
This was so perfect, I could not resist. Translated it into Dutch, encased it in plastic and placed it below my doorbell. You see, there are solicitations door-to-door: buy a better Wifi network, support an animal shelter, help fund the research? for all sorts of illnesses, and more, too many to count. We’ll see what happens now..