Waited a loooong time for this to happen. Holland’s white asparagus are a taste unto themselves. It is not the same when you get them at Fresh Fields, Whole Foods or an other American grocery store. The fields are close by here. Heard from my information-rich neighbor that you can now purchase them ‘already peeled’. ‘Oh,’ said I ‘Certainly I am too Calvinistic to not peel them myself!’ Peeling them is no easy task, but the reward for the work.. it is part of the pleasure. Old thoughts can have a long life.
An Icelandic Teenager
said regarding female equality in society: “We are demanding something that should have already been ours a long time ago. What a concise thought. Iceland is the #1 country for gender equality. If one gives it any thought, at all, how silly that the genders are not equal. And then extrapolate that to the entire breathing population. We are a strange lot, we humans
Close to the Edge!

Shut the Front Door

Meet Your Neighbor
but certainly not in any conventional manner. There is no Post Office in Holland, subject for another time, but given this fact, mail delivery is carried out by various private companies, under contract. So, if your package can not fit through the standard small mail slot on your front door, [which is maybe two inches in height], and you are not home, a note is put through the slot instead. On the note, is the name of the company that attempted delivery and the house number of the neighbor who now has your package. Today, two missed deliveries, one neighbor brought it over, the other neighbor, 6 houses down, I met when I rang her doorbell. Lovely people all. This is a fun unorthodox meet and greet. Have been to six houses thus far.
understood the words of the advert. it was the body language that left me questioning what it was saying
A Wedding Dress Advert
Not certain what this exactly says. But it certainly is cause for pause. In the event one thought men and women might be equal. What I can say it is a store run by old white men

Men and Boats
The view out of the windows on the front of the house are of a small harbour hemmed in by two ‘lifting bridges’. exactly the sort you see in every Dutch print. But it is the men guiding their vessels to the open bridge I find entertaining. No difference whatsoever than men pulling up to the stop light in their idling car. Terrific and proud until a superior one comes along. Dang
OUCH- in September
It happened. Fell off the bike. Flat to the side, bike on top. Don’t know how many people saw it, certainly no one rushed to my aid, as I tried to extricate myself from under the frame. These Dutch bikes are bulky and heavy. The disaster was on the street outside my house, during a traffic pause on a Friday late morning. Nothing serious, but I am sore. How long will this recovery take? Or do I get back on tomorrow?
Got back on same day in fact… never happened again! As a wise young person said to me once in New York when having a disaster on the way to an audition, “Be glad, now that is out of the way!” Meaning you’re going to have something happen, better sooner than later. That is now out of the way.
Update: had the same attributes as contributed to the fall – too sharp a turn, but now with experience saved the day. What a difference a Day makes….