In most cases these houses are now offices. Still stunning in their architecture.

Life as it unfolds with all its surprises….
In most cases these houses are now offices. Still stunning in their architecture. a Dutch house. Then you know you have flipped from party to funeral. Today, bought from the ‘garage-store-front’ as my neighbor referred to it, ‘Milkshake’ tulips: completely white, with frothy edges; will certainly photograph when they open. That of course was in addition to the red&green parrot tulips. In discussion with said neighbor after purchase, she explained to me where I can bike to purchase 50! tulips for 5 euro. I may have to move to have the house to house the bouquet. My house is too small for such extravagance.
of the house I rent. French-faded-aristocracy; European Shabby Chic.
I told myself, but in the end I gave in. Those of you still stuck on the Sunday F-1 episode with a room full of men and boys… this is not that. This is about how many bunches of tulips can one have in house before it looks like either a funeral or a party. The answer is: don’t know, not there yet. After being told to look for this ‘open door’ seller, and finding him and all his tulips bunches for 1.50 euros each, I can not resist making him part of any journey that I make. the colors are the ‘gathering of F-1 aficionados we were filmed and were a ‘news-interest-story on TV for Sunday evening.
Does anyone else know ‘Room full of Blues
It’s what I think of when I hear – room full of….
You just might remember my ravings about ‘grass and lawn’ when living in the country with a wide expanse of this useless real estate attribute. The article below explains where grass came from and why, for more reasons that I previously listed, we should ban grass from suburban environments.
What a Dutch growers pot looks like; and my planting.
Planted a pot with bulbs, hoping they would successfully bloom early spring. Last night was the first snow of the season. Went out this a.m. to see how the garden fared, and one of the pots was knocked to the ground and emptied of all bulbs. Emptied. Not a bulb left. I should have known by all the bird-prints in the snow and when looking over the fence of my neighbor’s garden, saw she had no such prints. Clearly that same bird that has been ‘gardening’ in my flower beds
Another first. The switch in weather means that if you are far enough away from home, you can get caught in a weather change. Although I carry an umbrella, I have yet to break it out while peddling. Rather a Mary P look, but the day will come.
My spoken Dutch is improving. The last couple of days the question has been, ‘Am I German?’ This is when you know you’ve graduated from the American accent which results in a few words of English. A step forward. My goal is to once again try to mimic the accent of long-time-friend-E who speaks perfect Algemeen Beschaafd Nederlands now termed AN.
Didn’t know what to use for a title: nuts, brash, one-for-the-books.
The standard wisdom that I know is; when moving to a new environment, seek out your tribe- those that are ‘like’. When I began this solo-journey, I gathered with the tribe at the local religious center – otherwise known as a church. That garnered me the unwanted attention of two married men. As I don’t ‘do’ married men, it was a bust for friendship with the other half of the population. Therefore didn’t have a clue what it should be this time, as the church group is no longer my tribe. Nearby to where I live, is the local cinema. I picked up a brochure the other day that listed events in addition to the movies. On the list: “Formula One – Australia, start-of-the-season 5:30.” This means that in Melbourne, on the Grand Prix Circuit, early morning on Sunday it will be broadcast live at this venue and breakfast will be served. [All times in Holland are on the 24 hour clock.] Telephoned for information, reserved a ticket; I’m going. Most curious to see the composition of this group. Will it be a bunch of 40 somethings? Could be great fun!
ps at today’s writing group made a new friend – and she is going to join in on sunday! it means she has to drive 30 minutes at 5 am but she is is a kindred spirit maybe not about cars and racing, but the potential of a room full of men and boys!