
We Aldi grocery store shoppers are a die-hard bunch.  This is the second time in my shopping life that there is an Aldi in my ‘neighborhood’.  Decades ago when I entered one, once, I said never again.  But it is not the same store.  Anyone who asks, and many who don’t get my marketing spiel on why it is THE place to shop.  Part of the reason is that the parent company has a foundation that owns Trader Joe’s and I find the same products under a different label at Aldi.  But what is even funnier, is when an Aldi shopper comes up to me, to extol the virtues of a product in store!  It’s perfect.  I think it is another place for which I should do marketing.

A World Apart

Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
If you have never been there, take the M train to Marcy, get off, descend the stairs and walk straight down Broadway. There is an old famous steak house, newly minted upscale restaurants, gourmet food shops, wine bars and pubic housing. What makes it unique is the abundance of long-term residents who are Hasidic Jews. This ultra-conservative group has extremely strict dress codes for men, women and children. They all wear black. The men on Friday night wear wide-tall-fur-hats, [] the women, long skirts, blouse sleeves that cover the elbows and dark wigs to cover their hair. The young boys have their heads shaved with only the side curls besides their ears showing under rather large yarmulkes. They are the residents of the public housing units.

The link below is a good explanation.

Scallops for Breakfast

When the electric goes out, what to do with the freezer contents. This looked like a solution. Put various foods in buckets and containers and covered with snow.  It appears to have worked.  When finally the power was restored, and I dug out the containers, the scallops felt softer than i remembered, and so I sautéed them up for breakfast.  That was a first.  Also a treat!