A Second Thought

Since the first time Hillary ran for president, it was my belief that Bill would not help her win.  In my opinion, he wanted only one important Clinton president and not have that be overshadowed by the Clinton name being attached to such a landmark achievement as first woman president.  But now, what he could not have imagined, Trump apparently has a real shot at this.  Bill having weighted this ‘buffoon’ as his equal or his wife, – the wife wins.  Trump as a businessman friend with houses and  perks was fine, but not one of the rarefied few who go down in the history books.  We’ll see.

Somm: Into the Bottle

Thoroughly enjoyed this documentary on wine and especially because 1. my touting Riesling varietal – often has been met with scepticism, 2. belief that white wine should have a bit of age.  3. the rating system by numbers is a marketing tool and that alone,  4. there are somms and there are somms and they are not equal. Raise a glass – which is another favorite subject… the glass.


If you viewed the film, you will remember that he wrote, thought and functioned in the bathtub.  A situation to which I relate.  Until tonight, after theatre, when I was accompanied to the bath by a bowl of cooked, lightly oiled brussel sprouts, and salted parsley.  Reading the playbill, not paying attention to the use of the chopsticks the full bowl slide down the porcelain wall and slipped into the water.  Not only did that demand an immediate exit for me, but I had to clear the drain of leaves.  And the cringe factor?  I came home and took a bath and washed all my clothes, including my coat, because it felt creepy-crawly in the theatre seats.  In some of the smaller theatres, there is a bed-bug problem, and I trusted that my sense of this one was right.