The Fifth Avenue Shopping address is one everyone knows. For Example all the chic stores are always referred to as Fifth Avenue Stores. [The only other Saks Fifth Avenue Store is the one in Portland Oregon, on Fifth Avenue.] So imagine the address of one store, on the corner of Fifth Avenue and 14th Street: A newly imagined Goodwill Store.
A Harvey the Rabbit Event
When I boarded the train, the car was for all intents and purposes empty except for this pair of eye glasses on the seat. I sat next to them and more people boarded. Some one sat on the other side of them. At the 3rd stop people left so I moved across the aisle to open up the seat next to them again, to photograph what would people do. Would someone pick them up and pocket them; or, move them aside to sit down, or hang them on the signage above our heads? – that had been my thought. It was fun to see, the fuller the car became, the more people gave way to the space the glasses were taking. By the time I exited 6 stops later, the aisle was full with standees, but the glasses sat alone.
A Conundrum
Lost a generic black umbrella on the subway two nights ago. Said umbrella is available in every deli, on every corner by a seller, when it rains, and all over Chinatown. It costs anywhere from $2.50 to $4.50. So I found where the Subway system Lost Property office was and showed up there. My hope: that they would offer my another look-a-like-black umbrella from the dozens they undoubtedly have. No chance! Tried every argument. They agreed that my umbrella would not be identifiable from any other, but since it takes two weeks for the umbrella to register in the system, they would not give me an already found umbrella. When i tried to explain in detail, that no one was ever going to come looking for the ones they already had, and it would save me a trip since I was already here, and there was no way – except for possible time – as they said, there would be any difference between giving me one already in their possession and the one I lost. In the end there were two gentlemen listening to my reasoning and it was rather like speaking at a cement wall. They had a system, rules and there were no adjusts to the system. I have to go online, fill out the forms and return in 14 days. Okay!
Another Food Icon
Christmas is in the Air
The traffic on the side streets is snarled. The rows of trees for sale are giving off such a lovely fragrance, I heard one girl say to her male companion, as she raced across the street: ‘Let’s go smell Christmas!”. I love seeing people weighted down with packages, although a life time of experience has indicated that they 1. might be spending next month’s paycheck and 2. there is a good chance, the gifts aren’t what was hoped for. But due to the unseasonably warm weather it feels like a Caribbean Holiday right here in the City.