Catches Me By Surprise
Wanna Bet?
This is about Hillary winning the presidency. This is not about whether you think she is capable, should win, or your vote for her. This is about her chances vs a vs her husband. He wants to go down in history as ‘THE Clinton” not be superseded with the Clinton name being attached to the first Woman president. My bet is he will – behind the scenes- sabotage her candidacy. What’s your call?
Essentially Ellington
A must see link below. ‘Jazz at Lincoln Center’, under artistic director Wynton Marsales, has a competition for high school jazz orchestras/bands; 20 years in the making. The festival is mentored by the 15 member Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra. Hundreds of bands across the US compete by submission to be part of a Thursday through Saturday night festival. 15 groups are accepted for the festival. Upon arrival each group is mentored by one of the members of the LC Jazz Orchestra. The participants are offered choices as to what they may play to compete to be one of the three finalists for the Saturday night concert-play off. A couple of high schools from Seattle have often lead the line up. This year the top three were: an orchestra from Lexington, MA, one from Tucson, AZ and Portland, OR.
For the full effect, watch the documentary “CHOPS” from ’07. It explains the entire process. The biggest difference is the general public can not longer get tickets to any of the competition. Experience this year’s competion at: At the home page, click on the first black illustrated rectangle “Final Concert and Award Ceremony”. 14 minutes into the recording and the concert/competition begins. 45 minutes in the Pacific Crest Jazz Orchestra comes on stage. Watch as they turn the music stands around and lower them out of the way. Then listen. They play the ‘Tattooed Bride’. Spoiler Alert. There are a number of exceptional layers to this. 1. No one chooses to play it as it is considered Duke Ellington’s most difficult composition. 2. THESE ARE HIGH SCHOOLERS! 3. 13 minutes by memory. 4. Interviews after the performance with Marsales in which he tells that the judges were brought to tears. 5. He said the choice was added to the list because no one would be stupid enough to try and tackle it. 6. The crowd rose as one to their feet at the finish for a standing ovation. 7. The director of the band, had dialysis just prior to the performance. 8. This band had never been to the competition at LC and spoiler alert. They swooped in and took First. 9. You have to keep reminding yourself, these are high school students! 10. It set such a new high standard for the competition future. Way to go kids!
PS The full list of awards for the band in addition to first place band finish:
Outstanding Rhythm Section
Outstanding Reed Section
Outstanding Trombone Section
Outstanding Trumpet Section
Outstanding Piano – Charlie Brown III
Outstanding Bass – Colescott Rubin
Outstanding Clarinet – Shawn Ball & Max Roark
Outstanding Baritone Saxophone – Sam Seacrist
Outstanding Trombone – Olivia Gadberry
Outstanding Lead Trumpet – Mattias Tyni
A Survey
The New Yorker tumbled off the sink into the bubble filled bathtub, and then after I climbed in, first removing the soggy, dripping magazine, my eye glasses followed, I wondered how many electronic readers are baptized? How often have I thought… oh just take the kindle reader in, nothing will happen. And then this reminds me that the truth is something else.
Spring on the Street
Oh So True.
Laugh Out Loud
No one is spared when Capital Steps takes the stage. If they ever come to a city near you, run don’t walk to get tickets. Saw them tonight at the “Town Hall’ and they are hilarious. Both Sides, all leaders, all parties, all famous persons who have anything to do with politics are fair game. As one watches the hour and half show, it is hard to believe that only 5 people plus the pianist are putting it on and pulling it off. The show ends with “Lirty Dies: Copular Pulture”. They write a monologue and switch the first letter of the words with other words in the sentence to near riotous results. Doesn’t matter what your ‘side, belief or favorite party’ is, no one wins. Everyone gets skewered via music. A must experience.
A Most Beautiful Building
This is meant to be thought-provoking, not offensive. I am terribly, terribly sorry for the survivors who had to lose loved ones. Loss to death is a soul-agonizing loss for those left behind. But having read nearly every book and watched every movie about Everest it is as if ‘the gods’ have said ‘enough’. The Sherpa lives risked and lost over decades to drag non-climbers up to the top/summit so that they – the non-mountaineers – can add a notch to their belts, because money can buy it. Shame on us all for our clamoring after excess. We will all get our day if we don’t adjust our attitudes.